Services to Children and Adolescents
NHS mental health services for children (CAMHS) can have lengthy waiting lists leading to frustration and delays in getting your child the service they need. This can lead to problems becoming more stuck and therefore harder to treat when you eventually do manage to access services.
At Fuse, we aim to provide you with an initial assessment appointment within 2 weeks of your referral being received. We can therefore provide you with a high quality, timely and personalised assessment and treatment plan.
What will Assessment look like?
A detailed initial assessment is vital to fully understand the difficulties currently experienced by a child or young person. This will usually take the form of completing a number of questionnaires, followed by an appointment usually lasting about 1 ½ hours. It can sometimes also be helpful to gather information from other sources such as school that may be involved with you or your family. Following your assessment, a package of intervention will be discussed with you.
What will Treatment look like?
The number of sessions needed will vary depending on the type of problem, and how much it impacts on day to day life. Some families may choose to have the minimum number of sessions, then continue the work at home with telephone support from Fuse. Others opt to have Fuse support them through a longer, more intensive intervention package, with more frequent sessions and detailed outcome measurement.

Emotional / Behavioural Difficulties
Many children and young people experience mental health difficulties. It is estimated that 1 in 10 young people will experience a mental health problem before the age of 16. Difficulties such as Anxiety, Phobias, School Refusal, OCD, Low Mood, Eating Disorders and Sleep problems can be treated using recognised therapeutic approaches delivering successful outcomes for your child.
Parenting / Pre-School Behaviour Problems
The early years of a child’s life can bring huge joy, but also huge challenges to parents. At Fuse we can offer tailored packages to look at issues such as:
- Feeding and Sleeping Problems
- Attachment / relationship difficulties
- Toileting difficulties
- Behaviour Management – calming tantrums
Specialist Assessment
Detailed assessment and diagnosis of conditions such as Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be completed in line with NICE Guidance. We can also provide full cognitive assessments using the WISC-IV to help to understand whether a child may have any additional problems with learning. Full reports and recommendations will be provided.